Comment 0 for bug 1645772

Revision history for this message
David Della Vecchia (ddellav) wrote :

Stable release updates for the following packages to support OpenStack Newton:

aodh 3.0.1
cinder 9.1.0
heat 7.0.1
horizon 10.0.1
ironic 6.2.2
ironic-inspector 4.2.1
mistral 3.0.2
neutron 9.1.1
neutron-lbaas 9.1.0
nova 14.0.2
python-ceilometer-client 2.6.2
python-ceilometer-middleware 0.5.1
python-django-openstack-auth 2.4.2
python-heatclient 1.5.0
python-ironic-lib 2.1.1
python-keystoneauth1 2.12.2
python-magnumclient 2.3.1
python-muranoclient 0.11.1
python-os-win 1.2.1
python-oslo.rootwrap 5.1.1
python-taskflow 2.6.0