Comment 30 for bug 1710993

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Tiago Pimenta (tiagoapimenta) wrote :

Ok, let's go.

Performing just upgrade after proposed configuration gave me just lubuntu-core update:

If i perform dist-upgrade it would bring the unity stuff I had said before, I simulate it here:

Unfortunately when I run install just for lubuntu-default-settings it brings this lots of stuff:

The indicator also bring a plenty of packages:

I do not know if lubuntu-desktop is also required to this fix, as part of lubuntu-meta, but it bring few dependencies, nothing to worry about.

As I am running on VM I did not care about it and I performed a full dist-upgrade, but I would care about it if I had to do it on my machine.

After reboot the machine the sound worked on Firefox but the indicator did not launched pavucontrol as I expected, it is due to no dependency relation between any package tha could lead to pacucontrol package installation. I still had to install it apart, after done that, the tray icon could launch the control as expected.

I see there is two things to be done:
* A dependency to be add to some package that could lead to the pacucontrol installation;
* A deep dependency review in order to clean up unity installation, as well as reduce as few as possible the dependencies