Comment 0 for bug 1673564

Revision history for this message
Ciprian Barbu (ciprian-barbu) wrote :

This is a followup of an earlier thread/bug that we have narrowed down to an incompatibility/issue with vhost support in qemu-efi. Without vhost=on qemu seems to be working fine.

I have tested several edk2 firmwares:
- xenial
- zesty
- Fedora:

I have also tested with different guests:
- cirros:
- ubuntu xenial:

The test steps are simple enough. A tap device is needed, qemu-kvm, qemu-efi need to be installed. The UEFI iamge is run as shown in the script, the tap device is used in vhost=on mode.

Also note that the QEMU_EFI.fd binary needs to be padded up to 64M:
dd if=/dev/zero of=AAVMF_CODE.fd bs=1M count=64
dd if=QEMU_EFI.fd of=AAVMF_CODE.fd conv=notrunc

The result was always the same, the node crashing with soft-lockups when qemu was attempting to boot the kernel.

I will attach all the relevant information shortly.