Comment 547 for bug 1734147

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Davide Prati (davide.prati) wrote :

I wanna let you know that the hardware solution works.

Hope to help someone else, thanks for feedback and suggestions: Mika Westerberg, Edenbar, Alex Friis.

Problem: UEFI mode, secure boot on, can't boot anything except netboot but UEFI doesn't let you install a linux distro in order to update kernel.

My solution: I ordered a new chip bios from ebay, i read the exact chip name on the motherboard. I also ordered a usb flash programmer (CH314A). I dissoldered the original chip from mobo (really easy with hot air solder); i read it with the flash programmer to get a backup copy; I erased its content; I write on the new chip a bios binary file that i found online (feel free to send me an email and i'll provide you the same 100% working file); I soldered the new chip on the motherboard and IT WORKS!!!!

After this I also tried to write the same working bios file on the old chip and I tried to resolder it on the motherboard. I can assure you that it works in the same way! So you don't really need to replace the chip, just erase it and write the new file on it.

If you have any questions pm me and i'll try to do my best to help you!!

Thanks all again