Comment 11 for bug 1714728

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package jython - 2.5.3-15ubuntu0.1

jython (2.5.3-15ubuntu0.1) zesty-security; urgency=high

  [ Simon Quigley ]
  * SECURITY UPDATE: Creates executables class files with wrong permissions
    (LP: #1714728)
    - CVE-2013-2027
    - 1-CVE-2013-2027.patch
    - 2-CVE-2013-2027.patch
    - 3-CVE-2013-2027.patch
    - Thanks to Lubomir Rintel for the patches!

  [ Markus Koschany ]
  * SECURITY UPDATE: Unsafe deserialization may lead to arbitrary code
    - CVE-2016-4000
    - CVE-2016-4000.patch

 -- Simon Quigley <email address hidden> Mon, 18 Sep 2017 00:43:55 -0500