Comment 12 for bug 1668724

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Cam Cope (ccope) wrote :

Hm, I found a bug in my last version of this patch. Freshly booted machines which had not mounted the cgroupfs had all the hierarchies as 0, causing all cgroups to get mounted onto a single directory. I can work around this by detecting this scenario.
However, I wonder if I am actually seeing a bug in LXC. On my 12.04 hosts spawning 12.04 containers with the nesting.conf include, the cgroupfs gets automounted inside the container even without this package. This is not the case on 16.04 hosts. I'm currently using LXC 2.0.6.

RE: name=systemd, I had modified an older version of our scripts to mount name=systemd, because that was how it showed up in /proc/self/cgroups, but everywhere I see the systemd cgroup mentioned on the internet has it mounted at /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd, so I guess that's an implementation detail I just have to deal with.