Comment 10 for bug 1400730

Revision history for this message
Andres Gomez (Tanty) (tanty) wrote :

I'm suffering the same problem and I've applied the suggested upstream patch in my personal PPA:

However, I don't think this is a proper fix for the problem I'm observing.

When the problem was happening and tons of

error is "_xgeWireToEvent: Unknown extension 148, this should never happen"

messages were spitted, everything was going much slower in the affected application.

With the fix, the application now is mute about this problem but it is still clearly slower. Hence, the error is still happening it is just that we are not seeing the error messages any more.

Is this error a regression in libXext ?

In my case, I'm specially seeing it in a custom compilation of epiphany, the GNOME Browser, from upstream. It seems to be affecting webkitgtk+ ...

I've just upgraded from Trusty and I was not suffering this problem before with the same custom compilation of epiphany.