Comment 7 for bug 1323006

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Jason Gerard DeRose (jderose) wrote :


System76 has been using a patched unity-settings-daemon that launches syndaemon with:

    syndaemon -i 0.75 -K -R

This has worked extremely well for us on Trusty (and we have solid customer survey data confirming that this has greatly improved the user experience).

However, something strange is going on with xserver-xorg-input-synaptics in Utopic. If you get syndaemon into its "disabled" state by typing a quick burst of characters, you can often keep it stuck in this disabled state by moving your finger back and forth on the track pad.

It seems as if the inactivity countdown isn't starting till there is a period when neither any keypresses nor any mouse movement has happened.

Can you think of any changes that might have cause this behavior?

Steps to reproduce:

1) open gedit
2) move finger back and forth on clickpad, confirm that cursor is moving back and forth
3) while continuing to move finger back and forth on the clickpad, type a few characters... cursor should disappear
4) cursor should be re-enabled around 0.75 seconds after you stop typing, but sometimes it will remain stuck in the disabled mode as long as there is more or less continuous motion on the clickpad
5) if stuck in the disabled state, it seems briefly lifting your finger off the track pad is reliable way to unstick it