Comment 358 for bug 1470250

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Brian Vargyas (brianv) wrote :

So I'm the OP on this bug report from what seems like ages ago... While a lot of hard work as been done by some of the members posting here to try and replicate it, it's been very difficult to track the specific event that has been causing this. While we "fixed" our problem a long time ago by moving all the VM's effected to a server and disabling Hyper-V nightly snapshots, instead opting to shut down all VM's once a month on a weekend and shapshot the whole system and bring it back online, it hasn't been optimal.

Lately, we've been upgrading the 14.04LTS systems one at a time to 16.04 with the latest kernel and dropping them back into active nightly backup systems and so far, have not seen a read-only file system failure with systems running the latest updates. Now these systems are not write heavy either, which tends to trigger this bug more often. At least we've seen some improvement in our environment just by keeping up to date with the latest distribution updates. Outside of this, microsoft has released server 2016 during our lifetime, and while we are not running, it would be interesting to see if that Hyper-V server OS is any better/worse then 2012R2.