Comment 18 for bug 1382291

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Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre (cyphermox) wrote :

Shih-Yuan; the "ubiquity_hidpi.patch" patch you attached doesn't seem to be directly related to HiDPI support. Maybe I'm misreading, but those seem to be nothing more than some of the changes that aren't yet in Trusty.

As for the changes to unity-settings-daemon, I can only let you finish those since there seemed to be some logic missing to properly calculate the scaling factor. Have you considered Sebastien's option of applying the gtk scaling factor directly from u-s-d if we can't detect unity in the session?

I'll make the ubiquity task Incomplete for now; I'm not saying we can't apply the changes in your patch, but I just couldn't see the relation with HiDPI scaling.