Comment 17 for bug 1170958

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Petro (petrochemicals) wrote :

"despite it has a *very low inpact*"

Says who, you? Frankly it has a very large impact on me as my OS is incapable of playing videos without part of the OS overlaying it. Think hard about when the last time Windows or OSX released a "stable" release with their default video player ruining every video they play. Actually I can't even think of a Windows beta that had a bug this big in it.

"it had only to be packaged in distro"

Exactly, kind of useless unless you actually release the damn fix to the USERS!

"you could have added the ubuntu unity daily ppa if really you needed this before"

So instead of Ubuntu fixing their mistakes your saying it's my fault for not fixing my broken OS by installing unstable and experimental software that should have been released already but was pushed back because of Canonicals incompetence. Wow, what a great option, thanks guy.

"distro needs to follow rules in order to deliver a good product"

This is what I am saying! Where are the rules that prevent Canonical from releasing stable OS's that are filled with known bugs? It's only after you release unstable software under the name of stable that we all now need to follow these very important rules. Frankly not a single user could care about your dumb rules, what they do care about is an OS that works.

"If you want to discuss about more general topics, please refer to the proper channels."

Thanks for pointing out what exactly those channels are and where they can be found, very helpful indeed.