Comment 45 for bug 982889

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Tomas Vanderka (tomas-vanderka) wrote :

I don't think the patch from #31 will fix this because X is really getting EACCESS (0xfffffff3) not EAGAIN as can be seen in #22

I also think this is probably an issue in plymouth because plymouth is told to quit and release drm before X starts but it somehow does not allways do this in time. Maybe there should be "plymouth --wait quit" instead of "plymouth quit" in /etc/init/plymouth-stop.conf? I tried to find how exactly "plymouth quit" is handled (especially if the plymouth daemon really releases drm before that command returns) but I never got to the answer.

You can try to change the X patch in #31 to spin also on EACCESS (bad solution imho) or plymouth should be fixed to really release drm when told to quit.

And I also had this problem in Fedora, someone else reported it at

I reenabled plymouth-splash and will play a little with it again, but it happens randomly in maybe 1/10 reboots so it's not easy to hit.