Comment 26 for bug 162671

Revision history for this message
Jim Lieb (lieb) wrote :

Does VIA provide adequate public info appnotes for this part? What I am thinking of is that if they are just throwing it over the wall with a GPL attached but also provide info so that we can fix it, one could clean it up and make it ready for mainstream and "someone" (usually the guy who missed the design review meeting...) can pick it up. The obvious problem is if the code is "odd" and the part is a mystery it will languish in staging until beyond its sell-by date. If VIA has no intention to maintain/update this code, then there is no constraint to track with any future work product wrt this part. Is this true/sensible?

If you can coordinate what besides this patch has been done to date, I can provide a git patch against current .31 for my work so far. Once I have both archs built (i386 and amd64) I could do a formatting cleanup pass as a second pass patch. That could then be the basis for further work. Does someone already have a .31 git repo with any work that they have done
in it? If not, I have the branch of the ubuntu-karmic tree with this change, it could be propagated from here.