Comment 56 for bug 923876

Revision history for this message
Jarno Suni (jarnos) wrote :

As for apt, does the fix offered to this bug mean that you can upgrade by
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
and have no fear of /boot getting full?

Anyway, I suppose this method of upgrading will work now for the issue in Trusty and later:
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --auto-remove --purge

sudo apt-get autoremove
may also remove other packages besides old kernels and related packages, but maybe that is not bad thing.

If I install a kernel manually by `apt-get install`, it will be marked as "manual", and will not be removed by `apt-get autoremove`, unless I run `apt-mark auto` for it first. Isn't is bad to skip removing any manually installed kernels? Would it be better to skip only kernels marked as "hold"?