Comment 19 for bug 928553

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nefyt (nefyt) wrote :

So... I just installed Precise and I saw this cool new feature of showing up the wallpaper in the login screen... I thought it was great until I used a custom wallpaper.... so I have this problem too. I have encrypted my home directory but I still want to show my non-default wallpaper (located in home/Images directory) in the login screen.

Please fix this. Perhaps an option in the background options window will resolve the "privacy" issues you guys have discussed here. The option would be something like "Show the wallpaper in the login screen" (check for yes or no). So if that option is set to yes, I guess the wallpaper file should then be copied to '/usr/share/backgrounds' (for example) so the login screen has always access to the file and show the wallpaper.

As for the comment of "Sebastien Bacher", which I assume he would also tell he same thing, I must say that I'm not a programmer but I'm sure Ubuntu programmers welcome suggestions, and that they won't take them like we (non-programmers) are telling them what to do without giving any "real help". Our help are the suggestions and bug reports.

Thank you for your time.