Comment 31 for bug 898826

Revision history for this message
Paolo Stivanin (polslinux) wrote :

1) download the ubuntu's linux-source
2) go into the linux-source root
3) mv drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.c.orig
4) mv drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c drivers/bluetooth/btusb.c.orig
5) put the 2 patches into drivers/bluetooth/
6) cd drivers/bluetooth/
7) patch < 0489e027-ath3k.patch
8) patch < 0489e027-btsub.patch
9) cd ../../
10) make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=`pwd` drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.ko
11) make -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=`pwd` drivers/bluetooth/btusb.ko
12) sudo cp drivers/bluetooth/ath3k.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/
13) sudo cp drivers/bluetooth/btusb.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/bluetooth/
14) if you don't have the ath3k and btusb already loaded put it into /etc/modules
15) reboot :D

ps: the only problem is that you have to 1) activate bluetooth 2) you have to do "sudo hciconfig hci0 up" before you can use it
ppss: i have test it with kernel 3.6 and it works :)