Comment 0 for bug 2063899

Revision history for this message
Erich Eickmeyer (eeickmeyer) wrote : Dummy audio device running on new installs


Ubiquity and Calamares used to have a facility to make the first configured user part of the `audio` group by default. Unfortunately, with `ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap`, we lost this ability in Ubuntu Studio and making sure that the users had the proper configuration (memory limits for the audio group) was an oversight.

Fortunately, the ubuntustudio-installer application, and its included ubuntustudio-audio-config application, have the facility to do that, although the script needed a little bit of work and the entire package was missing a runtime dependency on `polkitd-pkla` to make the whole system work as expected.

[Test Case]

 * Run Ardour
 * Ardour will complain about limited memory (see screenshot attached)

Expected: No complaints from Ardour

[What could go wrong]

The only thing I expect could go wrong is that the systemd user service fails to launch. The backup for this is to run ubuntustudio-audio-config from the launcher, which would run everything as expected (setting the memory limits, adding the user to the `audio` group, and rebooting the system).