Comment 70 for bug 576724

Revision history for this message
Erick Brunzell (lbsolost) wrote :

Just an update on where I'm at with this. I'm still several hours away from the "prescribed test cases" but while taking a break I booted into my installed "stable" Lucid and installed the proposed updates. All went well.

I was first presented with the common options regarding "command line" and "boot parameters", and I accepted the defaults. Next I was presented with whether to keep my modified config and the default was "keep local version". I chose to compare and things looked as they should, that is the dialog was clear. I'd forgotten some of the modifications I'd made until seeing that :^)

Since I'm testing I went for the "maintainers version" and all went well. Things rebooted as they should, that is boot was still handled by my Karmic install. I next booted back into Lucid and ran "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and things appeared as they should.

I will still follow the whole test case scenario described in bug #580408 to be very, very sure but so far this is looking very good to me.