Comment 3 for bug 520707

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

Just verified the following with environment set to point to ec2 us-east-1:
$ euca-create-volume --zone us-east-1a --size 1 sm1234
VOLUME vol-eb7bb782 1 creating 2010-02-12T21:41:50.000Z
$ euca-create-snapshot vol-eb7bb782
SNAPSHOT snap-456f332c vol-eb7bb782 pending 2010-02-12T21:42:22.000Z
$ euca-describe-snapshots snap-456f332c
SNAPSHOT snap-456f332c vol-eb7bb782 completed 2010-02-12T21:42:22.000Z 100%
$ euca-delete-snapshot snap-456f332c
SNAPSHOT snap-456f332c
$ euca-delete-volume vol-eb7bb782
VOLUME vol-eb7bb782

Also did a ' euca-describe-snapshots' without a snapshot argument, and it worked fine.