Comment 52 for bug 350936

Revision history for this message
Andy (andy-xillean) wrote :

Does anyone know what Canonical's *official* position on shutting down KVM VMs on host shutdown with Upstart?
Does Canonical run Ubuntu 10.04 Server with KVM in production?
Do they shutdown VMs? How did this slip by for an LTS release?
Is this up to their standards as Production Quality?
Do they recommend deploying KVM on Ubuntu Server 10.04?
Shouldn't it be a very basic feature to shutdown VMs on a supported platform when
the host goes through an unattended unscheduled shutdown?

It is a dismal situation when at this point there is still no official simple way from Canonical to
gracefully shutdown KVM VMs if the host has to go down for any reason such as
a UPS issued shutdown command.