Comment 50 for bug 350936

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Valentijn Sessink (valentijn) wrote :

While there's many solutions now to shutdown VM's, here's my 2 cents. Instead of a libvirt-bin.conf script, I made a separate script (/usr/local/sbin/ This script waits 120 seconds for all VM's to shut down. Then I'm running this script from two places; in libvirt-bin.conf:
pre-stop script
end script

And also (as a link) from /etc/rc0.d/K10shutdown-libvirt-hosts (and from rc6.d alike)

This way, the "sendsigs" script will only run if all VMs have terminated.?field.comment=While there's many solutions now to shutdown VM's, here's my 2 cents. Instead of a libvirt-bin.conf script, I made a separate script (/usr/local/sbin/ This script waits 120 seconds for all VM's to shut down. Then I'm running this script from two places; in libvirt-bin.conf:
pre-stop script
end script

And also (as a link) from /etc/rc0.d/K10shutdown-libvirt-hosts (and from rc6.d alike)

With a K10shutdown-libvirt-hosts script in place, the "sendsigs" script will only run after this script has ended, which is when all VMs have terminated.

A few remarks:
- shutting down the VM's twice is not a problem; to the VM, it just looks like pressing the power button twice.
- to gracefully shut down, the VM's need the "acpid" package installed.
- if the shutdown script searches for the word "running" (like mine does, but John Morrissey's script is affected, too), it must set LANG=C at the top, otherwise virsh will run in the local language.