Comment 114 for bug 445852

Revision history for this message
Andrew Simpson (andrew-simpson) wrote :

@Gav Mack
This is probably a fairly crude workaround, but it works for me. I just disabled the ata-smart disk probe in the udev rules:

In the file /lib/udev/rules.d/95-devkit-disks.rules look for these lines (Lines 73 & 74):

 # ATA disks driven by libata
KERNEL=="sd*[!0-9]", ATTR{removable}=="0", ENV{ID_BUS}=="ata", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk", IMPORT{program}="devkit-disks-probe-ata-smart $tempnode"

Add a '#' in front to make the rule line a comment, like this:

# ATA disks driven by libata
#KERNEL=="sd*[!0-9]", ATTR{removable}=="0", ENV{ID_BUS}=="ata", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk", IMPORT{program}="devkit-disks-probe-ata-smart $tempnode"

Save the file.

To make sure it's reloaded do these commands:

sudo service udev stop
sudo service udev start

Test with gparted... and notice the difference.