Comment 0 for bug 2075543

Revision history for this message
Grant Orndorff (orndorffgrant) wrote :

[ Impact ]

This release brings both bug-fixes and new features for the Pro Client, and we would like to make sure all of our supported customers have access to these improvements on all releases.

The most important changes are:
<create a list with the spotlight fixes and features>

See the changelog entry below for a full list of changes and bugs.

[ Test Plan ]

The following development and SRU process was followed:

The Pro Client developers will be in charge of attaching the artifacts of the appropriate test runs to the bug, and will not mark ‘verification-done’ until this has happened.

Besides the full integration test runs, manual tests were executed to verify bugs:
<list bugs which required manual testing>

[ Where problems could occur ]

In order to mitigate the regression potential of the changes in this version, the results of the integration tests suite runs are attached to this bug.

Other considerations not covered by the integration test suite are:

 * Think about what the upload changes in the software. Imagine the change is wrong or breaks something else: how would this show up?

 * This must '''never''' be "None" or "Low", or entirely an argument as to why your upload is low risk.

 * This both shows the SRU team that the risks have been considered, and provides guidance to testers in regression-testing the SRU.

[ Other Info ]

 * Anything else you think is useful to include

 * Anticipate questions from users, SRU, +1 maintenance, security teams and the Technical Board and address these questions in advance

[ Changelog ]

  * d/rules: check that is consistent with changelog (GH: #3154)
  * New upstream release 34: (LP: #TODO)
    - apt-hook: redirect errors away from users (LP: #2074211)
    - fips-preview: now has same warnings and prompts as fips and fips-updates
    - fips and realtime-kernel: warn when the new kernel may have different
      hardware support than the current kernel based on the flavor (GH: #3115)
    - help:
      + new help output for base pro command
      + remove service descriptions from output (GH: #3126)
      + show help content when run without a subcommand
      + modernized help generation code
    - removed some dead code (GH: #3058)
    - updated manpage