Comment 0 for bug 2064175

Revision history for this message
Simon Poirier (simpoir) wrote :

[ impact ]

 * In replacing kpartx with losetup, earlier this year, grub-install
   (grub-probe) started failing for bootable uefi buildd images on jammy.
   This failure started around 2024-01-14.

 * uefi buildd images don't build on jammy. Later suites appear to have
   udev as a transitive dependency, thus not hitting the same issue.

 * udev was getting installed in later hooks. Adding it earlier isn't
   altering the resulting artifact.

[ test plan ]

 * live-build with --series=jammy --project ubuntu-base --subproject buildd --image-format ext4 --image-target all

 * uefi image should build and be bootable from qemu

[ where problems could occur ]

 * affected hook is specific to buildd

 * considering udev is now installed in an earlier buildd hook, it could
   technically interfere with later build steps. Recent additions of flock
   address some of the udev races but this could surface more.