Comment 7 for bug 1970586

Revision history for this message
Pete Woods (pete-woods) wrote : Re: No sound support on Linux AWS kernel (but supported on GCP)

This appears to work with my simple script, and now pass the tests in the customer's MIDI library.

Thanks very much for your time here!

> mocha test/unit/*.js && node test/virtual-loopback-test-automated.js

    ✔ should raise when not called with new
    ✔ should be an emitter
      ✔ .getPortCoun should return an integer
      ✔ requires an argument
      ✔ requires an integer

MidiInAlsa::getPortName: error looking for port name!

      ✔ returns an empty string for unknown port
      ✔ requires an argument
      ✔ requires an integer
      ✔ requires a valid port
      ✔ requires an argument
      ✔ requires a string
      ✔ allows promises to resolve

    ✔ should raise when not called with new
    ✔ should not be an emitter
      ✔ should return an integer
      ✔ requires an argument
      ✔ requires an integer

MidiOutAlsa::getPortName: error looking for port name!

      ✔ returns an empty string for unknown port
      ✔ requires an argument
      ✔ requires an integer
      ✔ requires a valid port
      ✔ requires an argument
      ✔ requires a string
      ✔ allows you to close a port that was not opened
      ✔ should require an array argument
      ✔ should require an array argument

  26 passing (61ms)

Enumerating inputs
Input found: Midi Through:Midi Through Port-0 14:0
Input found: RtMidi Output Client:node-midi Virtual Output 128:0
Enumerating outputs
Output found: Midi Through:Midi Through Port-0 14:0
Output found: RtMidi Output Client:node-midi Virtual Output 128:0
Sending message
Sending message
Sending message
Sending message