Comment 0 for bug 2039441

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Thibf (thibf) wrote : System is booting up prevent ssh at startup

After doing `uvt-kvm wait`, we can expect to be able to ssh into the VMs.
That's not always the case as the ssh port can be up before PAM is setup:
`System is booting up. Unprivileged users are not permitted to log in yet. Please come back later. For technical details, see pam_nologin(8).`
This means that subsequent programs can't rely on `uvt-kvm wait` to know if the system is up, which defeats the purpose of this function and drives the complexity up in highly automated environment.

Personally, I see two ways to fix the wait to handle this case:
- Change the behavior of the created VM to avoid this edge case.
- Makes `uvt-kvm wait` smarter by actually establishing a communication to check if we really can login.

The last option seems less intrusive but will make the library more complex.
I'm not convinced that would be a reasonable default or would be better as an option to `uvt-kvm wait`.