Comment 81 for bug 1794064

Revision history for this message
Georgia Garcia (georgiag) wrote :

Hi Gerard

Brave does not work currently because we only added support to Chromium, Firefox and Opera as you can see in the current snap_browsers abstraction [1]. I'm adding Brave support as well [2].
While that change is not applied to the apparmor package, as a workaround, you could apply the same changes from [2] in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/snap_browsers and reload the evince profile
sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince

In regards to #include, it is not commented out. The apparmor policy allows the "include" keyword to be preceded by # or not. That said, #include is now being deprecated due to this exact confusion and we recommend using it without #.
