Comment 3 for bug 1948008

Revision history for this message
Dariusz Gadomski (dgadomski) wrote : Re: Copying and pasting to/from Nautilus does not work

Thank you Mathew. I assumed it's the same package in later releases.

The reason behind splitting the bug was the fact that I believe these are 2 separate problems by coincidence having their root causes in similar portions of code.

Bug #1843588 is focal specific and is about altered contents of clipboard and fixing it requires fixing reverting the change in nautilus.

This one on the other hand is about not being able to copy from the desktop to nautilus and vice versa. And fixing this should require fixing:

For focal (beside fixing bug #1843588):
* gnome-shell
* gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons

For hirsute & impish:
* gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng