Comment 18 for bug 226072

Revision history for this message
TEN (launchpad-20-ten) wrote :

With the IRC-granted blessings of the original author of this VDR plugin (wishing to be known as lordjaxom),

please find enclosed my diffs to (hopefully) patch this package into usability on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron,

with a standard disclaimer of "at your own risk, AFAIK, IMHO, HTH, YMMV..."

fixing, inter alia, two dependencies (genisoimage and project-x; a third needs to be corrected by including vdr-genindex from the Intrepid repository) and the incorrect output including a UTF-8 incompatibility contributing to it.

A package update should also determine (or otherwise prompt for) the ISO path, as well as take care of accepting user vdr into the cdrom group, and setting the chown vdr:vdr (-R) in the appropriate places as outlined above (ISO path and /var/lib/vdr/plugins/burn/skins).