Comment 7 for bug 244261

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Maximiliano Fragale (fragale) wrote :

El problema se ocasiona con los efectos de escritorio, evidentemente la biblioteca contiene un bug como dice Chucky "This is a bug is in the lib", especificamente en la libx11-6.
Para solucionar este problema probar arrancando desde la linea de comandos con la opcion --full-shots


maxi@sony:~$ recordmydesktop --full-shots

en el entorno de gtk-recordMyDesktop, entrar en avanzado y seleccionar "Capturas completas en cada cuadro"=Habilitado

Es todo, con eso funcionara.

ahora va la traduccion de google al inlges.

The problem is caused by the effects of a desk, obviously the library contains a bug like Chucky says "This is a bug is in the lib," specifically in libx11-6.
To solve this problem try booting from the command line with option - full-shots


maxi @ sony: ~ $ recordmydesktop - full-shots

around the gtk-recordMyDesktop, enter into advanced and select "Capture Complete each table" = Enabled

That's all, that worked.