Comment 93 for bug 226279

Revision history for this message
martywd (martywd) wrote :

Just to clarify my earlier comment (#75). The suspend/resume functionality _work_ on my machine (HP Compaq M2108US) when booted into 2.6.24-16. For me the resume from suspend issue started with -17, continuing with -18.

Today I re-read "APavlov's" comment #6 and decided to test. I booted into 2.6.24-18, initiated suspend, then resume. Hard drive spins up, but no display, no prompt, no keyboard or mouse function. I wait. ~2 mins later, display lights up, keyboard and mouse function return, log in, all is well. Second test still in 2.6.24-18, initiate suspend, then resume, wait, ~4 mins after resume, again, display lights, keyboard and mouse function returns, etc.

Attached is my syslog during the time frame of the two 'tests' described above.

I'm not a developer or a programmer. I don't know what's up here?