Comment 151 for bug 129910

Revision history for this message
aletheianalex (aletheianalex) wrote : Re: tty[1-6] are active but display nothing in Gutsy

This bug almost made Xubuntu uninstallable on my machine (reformat and clean install) since the installer did not recognize my hardware properly, and not all of the options that I passed to the installer were honored by it. And since Xfce-terminal has a bug too (crashes GDM) and I could not bring up Xterm at first, I was left with NO command line interface at all to fix it!! I had to fish around my apartment for a *known* compatible network card to download a few different terminals until I fould one that would work (most just said "task completed... exiting" and closed down) and "menu" for a Debian system menu and then get it running by:

Deleted my vga= argument in /boot/grub/menu.lst

Ran update-grub

Corrected resolution in /etc/usplash.conf

Enabled fbcon and vesafb in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules

Commented out fbcon and vesafb in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer

Desperately enabled every possible repository in hopes of a fix in the works

Ran upgrade

Ran depmod -a

Ran dpkg-reconfigure usplash

My TTY's are back! but they look funky, and my power-down splash screen is horribly garbled... but it is functional at least. My hardware for this machine is older VESA 2.0 compliant Intel.

(Not to get off topic, but in case it helps and/or is related, Gusty did not recognize my touchpad, network card, and APM, ACPI, LAPIC are not functioning properly even though I had them working in Debian sarge, Etch, Lenny and Sid.)