Comment 23 for bug 49594

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Albert Y. C. Lai (trebla) wrote :

I consistently see bonobo-activation-server not killed after *proper* logout. Using:

hardy beta LiveCD
hardy beta fresh install, with or without updates.
hardy beta upgraded over gutsy, with or without updates.

I cross-reference this bug with #207761:

where the trash can becomes invisible and consistently correlated with this.

I have also observed an instance when this does not occur. Use "user switching" to login to another account, then logout from it. That one's bonobo-activation-server doesn't persist.

Here is my personal temporary workaround: create text file named ".xprofile" in home directory. Its content is this line:

killall -u $USER bonobo-activation-server

This kills the leftover process at the time of next GUI login.