Comment 50 for bug 172518

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In , Ihatespam-jf (ihatespam-jf) wrote :

Marcia, Nick, et. al,

I wanted to send you all a note thanking you for your quick response to this issue and especially to Martijn for effecting a fix in just 16 hours that allowed us to get RC nightlies tested quicker that we could have ever hoped.

I know there's been a lot made of this episode. I have even seen posts from bugzilla used horribly out of context by the online media, but in our book the response to this was absolutely stellar. As developers ourselves we recognize that from time to time you are bound to introduce bugs like this. Anyone who claims that their company is procedurally immune from this kind of thing is completely delusional.

This, in our book, is a bright example of why open source development of this sort is working. I could never have imagined a closed source vendor responding to a critical fix with an actual release in +/- 48 hours.

Rest assured you will continue to have our support and we look forward to continuing our users to use Firefox as their primary browser.