Comment 29 for bug 1871148

Revision history for this message
Etienne URBAH (eurbah) wrote :

With snapd 2.55.3+22.04ubuntu1 and apparmor 3.0.4-2ubuntu2 from Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) :

- On a machine with a powerful i7-7700 HQ processor, the issue did NOT appear yet.

- On a machine with the slower AMD FX-8370E processor, the issue occurs systematically after each reboot.

   $ sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain apparmor.service snapd.service

   apparmor.service +396ms
   └─ @3.660s

   snapd.service +529ms
   └─ @4.509s
     └─ @4.509s
       └─snapd.socket @4.505s +3ms
         └─ @4.307s
           └─systemd-timesyncd.service @3.813s +494ms
             └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @3.726s +77ms
               └─ @3.660s

   Workaround : After each reboot :
   $ sudo apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/*