Comment 10 for bug 1929894

Revision history for this message
Kent Lin (kent-jclin) wrote (last edit ):

Test Result on AAEON EHL Board. Need to check with Intel to see if we miss any steps on comment#9. Or this is good enough.

u@linux:~$ sudo systemctl status snap.lms.lms.service
● snap.lms.lms.service - Service for snap application lms.lms
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.lms.lms.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-10-13 11:07:28 CST; 1min 11s ago
   Main PID: 5021 (lms)
      Tasks: 5 (limit: 18266)
     Memory: 39.2M
     CGroup: /system.slice/snap.lms.lms.service
             └─5021 /snap/lms/34/bin/lms

Oct 13 11:07:28 linux systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application lms.lms.
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms.lms[5021]: (140546317167936)[2021-10-13 11:07:30.291521][LM_DEBUG ] BaseWSManClient::WsmanInitializer::WsmanInitializer()
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms.lms[5021]: (140546317167936)[2021-10-13 11:07:30.380134][LM_DEBUG ] Starting LMS Service
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux LMS[5021]: Local Management Service started.
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms_svc[5021]: me: error: Cannot connect to client [-25]:Inappropriate ioctl for device
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms_svc[5021]: me: error: Cannot establish a handle to the Intel MEI driver /dev/mei1 [-2]:No such file or directory
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms_svc[5021]: me: error: Cannot establish a handle to the Intel MEI driver /dev/mei2 [-2]:No such file or directory
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms_svc[5021]: me: error: Cannot establish a handle to the Intel MEI driver /dev/mei3 [-2]:No such file or directory
Oct 13 11:07:30 linux lms_svc[5021]: (140546122090240)[2021-10-13 11:07:30.408954][LM_WARNING ] Heci init failed, LME doesn't exist. Client not found. /dev/mei0 connect 8 /dev/mei1 init 1 /dev/mei2 init 1>