Comment 40 for bug 78282

Revision history for this message
Joe Baker (joebaker) wrote : Re: [Bug 78282] Re: vnc4server does not start Desktop environment after security update

Achim J. Latz wrote:
> Charles Twardy 's suggestion above was part of the solution for me:
> 1. In /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf
> Find the [xdmcp] section in the file, set: Enable=True
I would have thought this would have been set to on because I run an
LTSP server, but I'd forgotten that Ubuntu's LTSP implementation has
been using LDM instead which offers an SSH spawned X-Windows login that
wrapps all the communications inside SSH.
> 2. In /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc
> Change: /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc
> To: /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc
I'm really glad that you've identified this problem with the font path.
The font paths also need to be addressed in /etc/vnc.conf
> 3. sudo killall Xvnc
> 4. sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
I don't spawn vncservers from xinetd. We launch a unique vncserver for
each user. The user's desktop shortcut contains the host:X where x is
the vncdisplay number, and launcher also contains the unique vncserver
password as specified in the ~/.vnc/passwd file.

> and voila, the session comes up fine. I had all the reported errors in
> this bug: First, vnc4server threw "Transport endpoint is not connected"
> in syslog - step 1 took care of that. Then Xvnc did not start any longer
> in desktop environment mode, only the gray screen with the "X" mouse
> pointer appeared. Step 2 took care of that.
This is great news that you've gotten this to work better!

So will the font issue get updated into an updated Ubutnu package?

-Joe Baker