Comment 21 for bug 1047384

Revision history for this message
Lars J. Nielsen (ebidk) wrote :

James Bennet (#10):
"By the way, this can be triaged by doing the following on the next boot (if you could get access, but it was just not the key you expected i.e. in my case)

cryptsetup -y luksAddKey /dev/sda[x]
sudo cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/sda[x] 0

Check with:

sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda5"

How is this supposed to be read?
Do I replace [x] with a number and if so, which one? My fstab doesn't list drives like that.

I'll echo the others in asking how this is only medium importance when it is this annoying to fix for users and has been in several releases (I'm on 13.10 desktop). And the arguments about it being faster to install when you can do some of the work in the background while the user fills in things is not a good one when for many of the security conscious users it means another reinstallation or more to make it work, maybe even resulting in some giving up enabling the feature or finding another distribution instead. Ubuntu is supposed to be one of the easy distributions, user confusing errors like this one are not acceptable for more than one release, if even that.

I'm tired of reinstalling because I forget about this (twice now), and because of silly things like enabling encryption of the home directory and then wanting to change user name (not just the displayed name but all the uses of the username) and it being easier to reinstall because the GUI tool doesn't do all that and there is no good documentation on how to do it manually for encrypted home directories.