Comment 0 for bug 1884265

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Dariusz Gadomski (dgadomski) wrote : [fips] Not fully initialized digest segfaulting some client applications

In FIPS mode on Bionic MD5 is semi-disabled causing some applications to segfault.

Test case:
sudo apt install ntp
ntpq -p
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

What happens there is ntpq wants to iterate all available digests (list_digest_names in ntpq.c). It uses EVP_MD_do_all_sorted for this task.

EVP_MD_do_all_sorted eventually runs openssl_add_all_digests_int in c_alld.c.
For FIPS mode it adds:

What happens later in ntpq is (list_md_fn function inside ntpq.c):
ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
EVP_DigestInit(ctx, EVP_get_digestbyname(name));
EVP_DigestFinal(ctx, digest, &digest_len);

First digest it gets is MD5, but while running EVP_DigestInit for it, it gets to this point:
        if (FIPS_mode()) {
            if (!(type->flags & EVP_MD_FLAG_FIPS)
                && !(ctx->flags & EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW)) {
                return 0;

Due to type->flags for MD5 being 0 there's an error set (EVP_R_DISABLED_FOR_FIPS).
After getting back to ntpq.c:
ctx->engine and ctx->digest are not set (due to the mentioned error), hence

inside EVP_DigestFinal_ex (openssl/crypto/evp/digest.c)
OPENSSL_assert(ctx->digest->md_size <= EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE);
causes a segfault (ctx->digest is NULL).

So either MD5 shouldn't be added in FIPS mode or it should have the EVP_MD_FLAG_FIPS to be properly initialized.