Comment 0 for bug 1751396

Revision history for this message
Swaminathan Vasudevan (swaminathan-vasudevan) wrote :

Inter Tenant Traffic between Two Tenants on two different private networks connected through a common shared network (created by Admin) is not route able through DVR routers

Steps to reproduce it:

(NOTE: No external, just shared network)
This is only reproducable in Multinode scenario. ( 1 Controller - 2 compute ).
Make sure that the two VMs are isolated in two different computes.

openstack network create --share shared_net

openstack subnet create shared_net_sn --network shared_net --subnet-range

openstack network create net_A
openstack subnet create net_A_sn --network net_A --subnet-range

openstack network create net_B
openstack subnet create net_B_sn --network net_B --subnet-range

openstack router create router_A

openstack port create --network=shared_net --fixed-ip subnet=shared_net_sn,ip-address= port_router_A_shared_net
openstack router add port router_A port_router_A_shared_net
openstack router add subnet router_A net_A_sn

openstack router create router_B
openstack port create --network=shared_net --fixed-ip subnet=shared_net_sn,ip-address= port_router_B_shared_net
openstack router add port router_B port_router_B_shared_net
openstack router add subnet router_B net_B_sn

openstack server create server_A --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=net_A
openstack server create server_B --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros --nic net-id=net_B

Add static routes to the router.
openstack router set router_A --route destination=,gateway=
openstack router set router_B --route destination=,gateway=

Ping from one instance to the other times out