Comment 18 for bug 1831899

Revision history for this message
Frank Heimes (fheimes) wrote :

Thx for the additional data.

However, I can confirm juergh that there is an issue with both dumps:
I downloaded them again from Box, but vmconvert is still not able to handle them:
$ ls -l
total 5735304
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2737907971 Aug 14 08:23 dump.190529.1324
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 3135030835 Aug 14 09:19 dump.190529.2120
$ vmconvert ./dump.190529.1324
vmconvert: Input file './dump.190529.1324' is not a vmdump
$ vmconvert ./dump.190529.2120
vmconvert: Input file './dump.190529.2120' is not a vmdump

Please can you try to vmconvert them on YOUR system?
And in case it works let us know which tool/version you used? ('vmconvert -v', 'apt-cache policy s390-tools', 'lsb_release -a' and 'uname -a')