Comment 7 for bug 1799791

Revision history for this message
Connor Kuehl (connork) wrote :

At first glance it looked like these options were enabled for linux-kvm because they showed up as being set to "yes" under the "debian.master/config/config.common.ubuntu" file. However, my grepping was too narrow because grepping for "CONFIG_KEXEC=" didn't show the following lines:

debian.kvm/config/config.common.ubuntu:# CONFIG_KEXEC is not set
debian.kvm/config/config.common.ubuntu:# CONFIG_KEXEC_FILE is not set

For derivative kernels like linux-kvm, if it's set in the debian.master but unset in debian.kvm, then it's unset for the package.

Sent a patch to the ML to enable it for linux-kvm: