Comment 23 for bug 1722615

Revision history for this message
tom (tombuntus) wrote :

I opened the volume in read/write.

LUKS, all default settings.

497 26 253:0 / /run/media/private/username/filename rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime shared:436 - ext4 /dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-1000-NAAN-filename-2596371917 rw,data=ordered

to give context, this file was created many linux installs/updates ago. It opened fine in the Ubuntu 16s, Fedora, Ubuntu regular and GNOME 17.04. Only zC in 17.10 has all the contents with the lock icon.

It seems that the problem is related to ubuntu 17.04, recent fedoras, ubuntu 16.04, and ubuntu 16.10 all make the first user with id 1001, whereas 17.10 changed 1st user id to 1000. should be no problem, I just have to chown e'rything.