Comment 18 for bug 775803

Revision history for this message
John Butterworth (john-butterworth) wrote : ❤real pleasure


It's been a real pleasure to meet you last night, thanks for everything! I just wanted to give out something really interesting

See you soon, Stephen Brewer

From: Bug 775803 [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 5:11 PM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: A winner!

When you posted that it would have been on 12/31/2014 (assuming you live some where like the US), meaning "may [of] this year" would have referred to 5/1/2014-5/31/2014, which would be in the past. If you were in the US and the person you were replying to was in Australia, than "may [of] this year" from the OP's perspective would be referring to 5/1/2015-5/31/2015 , which would be in the future.

More or less you got part of your statement backwards.

EDIT: Actually I just re-read, I missed what you were saying. I thought you were making fun of them for not taking account of the year having just changed. In my defense I am clearly retarded.

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