Comment 8 for bug 692651

Revision history for this message
Mahendra Tallur (mahen) wrote :

OKAY. I figured out that :

- Under Ubuntu, with both File-Roller & zip from the command line, in both 10.10 and 11.04 alpha : accents are replaced by "??"
- HOWEVER, after installing p7zip-full, filenames are encoded properly, EVEN WHEN JUST calling "zip" from the command line

So it seems zip makes use of 7zip-full when available.

- NONETHELESS... The behaviour doesn't apply under Kubuntu. Even after installing p7zip-full and invoking zip from the command line, I still get "??" instead of accents.

--> I definitely have to file a new bug for this issue.

(BTW, people using OpenSUSE & Archlinux don't have this issue)