Comment 11 for bug 692651

Revision history for this message
Mahendra Tallur (mahen) wrote :

Myriam : meanwhile, I triple checked everything and am very surprised you don't encounter this issue. Here are some more tests I made :

[1] When using
- Ubuntu 10.10 liveCD (amd64)
- Ubuntu 11.04 alpha liveCD (i386)

By default : when archiving for instance, a file called "exposé.txt" to a "exposé.zip" file using zip or file-roller and opening it again using unzip -t or file-roller --> "é" is displayed as "??". The actual file is extracted properly from the command line although unzip says "extracting: expos??.txt", it does create "exposé.txt".

After installing p7zip-full : everything works properly from both zip and file-roller. As if they were making use of p7zip.

[2] When using
- Kubuntu 10.10 full up to date install with kubuntu-ppa (i386)
- Kubuntu 10.10 LiveCD in English mode (amd64)
- Kubuntu 10.10 LiveCD in French mode (i386 & amd64)

By default : when archiving "exposé.txt" to "exposé.zip" with Ark or zip and opening it back with Ark or Zip, I get "expos??.txt" instead of "exposé.txt" in the file listing. I can still unzip it from the command line and get the right file, as in [1]. Ark doesn't manage to extract it.

After installing p7zip-full : no difference, it still doesn't work.

Please see the attached zip file made in Kubuntu. Here the included file is listed as "expos??.txt".

Cheers !