Comment 22 for bug 2044630

Revision history for this message
Mike Ferreira (mafoelffen) wrote (last edit ):

<<Yes, I am surprised no-one has even triaged this.>>

Rick S and I have talked a lot today... trying to remember:

I added a repo on my GitHub on: Open-ZFS-Admin > "How To Uninstall package 'zfs-dkms' And Survive"

We had to remember:

- Why we actually started using it.

Ubuntu, in the past, did not rebuild the zfs module, so we needed zfs-dkms so that when kernels were updated, that the 'zfs' modules were built for the new kernel...

- If it is actually needed anymore

Not for normal users... I will explain that. I think sometime around 22.04.x, canonical started adding the zfs modules in-kernel. Confirmed that, if you install Ubuntu 22.04.3 as ZFS-On_Root, and do updates, zfs-dkms is not an installed package, and the 'zfs' modules are built during a kernel update. So it is not actually needed any longer by normal users.

- Why Rick S (1fallen) and I still need to use package 'zfs-dkms', if it is not required as a default package anymore...

We do DEV testing and ZFS version (zfs-linux) testng/validations... We need it becaseu we often install and use kernels from the Ubuntu mainline repo. Which does not have the added Ubuntu mod's and additions. That, and (I hate to say this) sometimes Canonical forgets to add things, and has regression issues.

This package has saved our behinds sometimes.

I am embarrassed at Launchpad's participation with this. i will take the baton and help them with that.

When I get that done, and Rick and I get that tested, I will publish the link to that here,.. When I get those instructions finished, and everything is tested so I can confirm it works, with just what needs to be done.