Comment 17 for bug 1628279

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Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

13:48 <slashd> Hi SRU vanguard, could you please nominate LP: #1628279 affecting Xenial ?

13:48 <ubot5> Launchpad bug 1628279 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu) "python utilities script suffix (.py) should be removed as per Policy 10.4" [Low,Fix released]

13:48 <apw> slashd, done

13:49 <slashd> apw, tks

14:00 <rbasak> slashd: won't that regress Xenial users by definition?

14:01 <apw> yep, looks like it will ... perhaps we should be offering them under both names in this

14:02 <rbasak> Yeah, adding symlinks makes sense. Then users can rely on the new names, but users relying on the old names won't break before a release upgrade.

14:02 <apw> rbasak, perhaps copy that into the bug, i do not believe they have done the work on teh sru yet

14:02 <rbasak> Will do