Comment 8 for bug 1666495

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Iain Lane (laney) wrote :

Trevinho disagrees with me, but I want to put on the record that I think comment #6's patch is wrong and that instead the VACUUM mode should explicitly check if the database exists and "return 0" in that case.


It's reasonable to say that it's okay to run without having run the main program first. The counter argument says that this is *not* reasonable and you would expect an error in this case. I think that there is no one true way here, and you should write programs with their intended usage in mind. In this case I think the intented use is that you could imagine a user writing a shell script such as:


  set -e

  zeitgeist-vacuum # or zeitgeist --vacuum

(of course this is a simplified version of the existing user unit's control flow)

and it's just silly to have to detect the DB not existing explicitly there. It's also a bit shady to ignore VACUUM failures that could point to a more severe problem.

For the record, I think the code to implement my change would look like this (untested).

    var file = File.new_for_path (db_path);
    if (!file.query_exists ())
        debug ("Database '%s' doesn't exist, but that's okay".printf (db_path));
        return 0;

With this change the unit file can remain unmodified.

Since there's disagreement, I won't unilaterally upload my suggestion.