Comment 0 for bug 1124715

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broussaille (seb-abilla) wrote :

New install on an HTPC (Atom D525) with Ubuntu Raring. Kernel Panic occurs when i run a big thing like flashplayer or pcsx-r. I tried to install Xubuntu (lighter for small config) Raring and I had no bug using the same apps. Then i install Ubuntu One (not provided with xubuntu) and i had Kernel Panic again. As i found old bugs report (for ubuntu 11.10) pointing out zeitgeist, i tried : xubuntu + flashplayer --> works fine, xubuntu + flash blayer + zeigeist (without U1) --> Kernel panic. I repeat the test 3 times. It takes at least 10 minutes watching video before kernel panic occurs with zeitgeist whereas without zeitgeist i have been watching videos during more than 40 minutes each time whith no matters... (but i have no more time to lost watching stupid cats on youtube).
I apologize for my poor english.